| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
_id | Mongo ID | YES | YES | YES | Mongo Record ID |
username | String | YES | YES | YES | The UserName |
password | Hash | YES | NO | NO | The User Password |
firstName | String | YES | NO | NO | The User First Name |
lastName | String | YES | NO | NO | The User Last Name |
email | String | YES | YES | YES | The User Email |
status | String | YES | NO | NO | The User Status pendingNew or active |
profile | Object | NO | NO | NO | Additional User Info. |
socialId | Object | NO | NO | NO | Holds the 3rd party information aka facebook, twitter, ... |
config | Object | NO | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
allowedTenants | Array | NO | NO | NO | Sub tenant access | keys | Object | YES | NO | NO | Overridden ACL Keys | packages | Object | NO | NO | NO | Overridden ACL Packages |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
%packageName% | Object | NO | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
acl | Object | NO | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
access | Boolean or Array | NO | NO | NO |
| apisPermission | String | NO | NO | NO |
| apis | Object | NO | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
%apiRoute% | Object | YES | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
access | Object | NO | NO | NO |
tenant | Object | YES | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
id | String | YES | NO | NO | Tenant ID | code | String | YES | NO | NO | Tenant Code |
groups | Array | YES | NO | NO | Array Of Group Codes |
ts | Time stamp | YES | NO | NO | record created timestamp |
Social ID
When you turn on 3rd party login integration, the user is added to URAC with socialId object that holds the 3rd party information as follow:
Code Block |
title | 3rd party information |
collapse | true |
socialId : {
"facebook": {
"id": "10153921831136546",
"ts": 1563462760715,
"email" : {
"modified" : true
"profile" : { / The original profile @ facebook / },
"accessToken": "EAAEtfZBue5g4BAHxZC795RjLBHzM044Rd1lqJDMUzj1FNDkZD"
"google": {
"id": "116534884477427572518",
"ts": 1563462760715,
"email" : {
"modified" : true
"profile" : { / The original profile @ google / },
"accessToken": "ya29.Ci-gA_tPPWbT0qp5a3z4UwqzyIj1hQsMUuQ03mAmXFZQnVcaRsrmqJzK10oeBeIYGg",
"refreshToken": "1/CnxzVU1kKh5NQsIJT5Mv2LkGguGCQqpVgwB0MuG7Qhc"
} |
- This User has only access to the main tenant "DBTN" with the pin code (5511) but has no access to subtenants
Code Block |
language | js |
title | User Record Sample |
| var data = |
"_id": ObjectId("5d308c68687aaf05b1c24097"),
"locked": true,
"username": "owner",
"password": "$2a$12$geJJfv33wkYIXEAlDkeeuOgiQ6y6MjP/YxbqLdHdDSK7LDG.7n7Pq",
"firstName": "owner",
"lastName": "owner",
"email": "me@localhost.com",
"ts": Double(1563462760715.0),
"status": "active",
"profile": {},
"groups": [
"config": {
"packages": {},
"keys": {}
"tenant": {
"id": "5c0e74ba9acc3c5a84a51259",
"code": "DBTN"
"pin": {
"code": 5511,
"allowed": true
"lastLogin": Double(1564068005777.0)
}; |
2. This user has access to the main tenant "DBTN" in the group "Owner" and as well has access to subtenants like "TES1" with the code (5678) and group "sub"
Code Block |
language | js |
title | User Record Sample |
collapse | true |
_id: ObjectId("5d3820639f9655752c03e340"),
locked: true,
username: "devop",
firstName: "FadiAntoine",
lastName: "NasrHage",
email: "test@localhost.com",
status: "active",
config: {
allowedTenants: [
tenant: {
id: "5c0e74ba9acc3c5a84a51251",
code: "TES1",
pin: {
code: "5678",
allowed: true
groups: [
tenant: {
code: "TES0",
id: "5c0e74ba9acc3c5a84a51259"
tenant: {
id: "THYME_tID",
code: "THYME_CODE",
pin: {
code: "5677",
allowed: true
groups: [
tenant: {
id: "ELVIRA_tID",
groups: [
tenant: {
id: "5c0e74ba9acc3c5a84a51259",
code: "DBTN",
pin: {
code: "5621",
allowed: true
"groups": [
} |