Database Name | Database Type | Collection Name |
%tenant_code%_multitenant | MongoDB | products |
Record Explanation
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
| _id | Mongo ID | YES | YES | YES | Mongo Record ID |
| code | String | YES | YES | YES | Product Code |
| name | String | YES | NO | NO | Product Name |
| description | String | NO | NO | NO | Product Description |
| scope | Object | NO | NO | NO | Product ACL and permission |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
acl | Object | NO | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
access | Boolean or Array%environment_name% | Object | NO | NO | NO |
apisPermission | String |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
%service_name% | Object | NO | NO | NO |
apis |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
%version_name% | Object | NO | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
%apiRoute% | Object | YES |
access | Boolean | NO | NO | NO |
| apiPermission | String | NO | NO | NO | "enum": ["restricted"] | get - post - put - put | Array | NO | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
access |
group | String | NO | NO | NO |
| apis | Object | NO | NO | NO |
packages |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
%api% | Object | NO | NO | NO |
Packages in product |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
| packages | Object | NO | NO | NO | Packages in product |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
packageName | Object | NO | NO | NO |
| code | String | NO | NO | NO | Package Code | name | String | NO | NO | NO | Package Name | Description | String | NO | NO | NO | Package Description | acl | Object | NO | NO | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
apis%environment_name% | Object | YES | YES | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
%service_name% | Object | NO | YES | NO |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
%apiRoute%ObjectString | YES | NO | NO |
| %http_verb% | Array | YES | NO | No |
| Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description |
accessObject Sample
The below Product has two packages. package 1 and PACK 2
Code Block |
language | js |
title | Record Sample |
_id: ObjectId("5d65150fb151143ec5f41d2d5d779088f13f2c08f8cdc034"),
code: "OTHERTEST2",
name: "AnotherTest 2 OneProduct",
description: "Another Product to test"this is a description for test 2 product",
console: false,
scopepackages: [
aclcode: {"TEST2_NEWS",
devname: {
"news package",
description: "this is a description for test 2 product news package",
uracacl: {
"2"dashboard: {
accessoauth: false[
} version: "1",
packagesget: [
code: "OTHER_PACK1""Guest"
name: "package 1 post: [
description: "package 1", "Tokenization"
acl: {
dev: {
uracdelete: [
version: "2"
_TTL: NumberInt(2160000086400000)
name: "PACK2new package",
description: "PACK2this is a description for test 2 product new package",
acl: {
devdashboard: {
urac: [
version: "2",
post: [
"Guest Password Settings"
get: [
"Guest Password Settings",
"Guest Email Validation"
_TTL: NumberInt(2160000086400000)
} |