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User Record


The data below describes how the user record is saved in session after the user is logged in.

Field NameTypeMandatoryUniqueIndexedDescription
_idMongo IDYESYESYESMongo Record ID
usernameStringYESYESYESThe UserName
passwordHashYESNONOThe User Password
firstNameStringYESNONOThe User First Name
lastNameStringYESNONOThe User Last Name
emailStringYESYESYESThe User Email
statusStringYESNONOThe User Status pendingJoin or active.
profileObjectNONONOAdditional User Info.
socialLoginObjectNONONOInformation pertaining to login integration with social platforms%strategy%Object. Only available in case the user logged in with passport; and will contain only one object, which will be the current logged in social account.

strategyStringThe social platform name. facebook, google, twitter, etc

idStringYESYESYESThe id of the user at the social platform

accessTokenStringNOYESNOAn access token that can be used to to validate if the social user account is still valid

Field NameTypeMandatoryUniqueIndexedDescription
keysObjectYESNONO Overridden ACL Keys
packagesObjectNONONO Overridden ACL Packages
tenantObject YES NONO 

Field NameTypeMandatoryUniqueIndexedDescription
idStringYESNONOTenant ID
codeStringYESNONOTenant Code 
groupsArrayYESNONOArray Of Group Codes
tsTime stampYESNONOrecord created timestamp



Code Block
titleUser Record Sample
var data = {
   "_id": ObjectId('57063608622c47b5c097d19b54ee1a511856706c23639308'),
   "locked": true,
   "username": "owner",
   "password": "$2a$04$GfQ/6TJX82HcCoq8z8R44uN6x38hmJVIh7sKXIxknjt9UjN/f90sy",
   "firstName": "owner",
   "lastName": "owner",
   "email": "",
   "ts": 1460024840683,
   "status": "active",
   "profile": {},
   "socialLogin": {
		      "strategy": "facebook":,
{          "id": "10153921831136546",
         "accessToken": "EAAEtfZBue5g4BAHxZC795RjLBHzM044Rd1lqJDMUzj1FNDkZD"
   "groups": [
   "config": {
      "packages": {},
      "keys": {}
   "tenant": {
      "id": "5551aca9e179c39b760f7a1a",
      "code": "DBTN"