General Information
Service | API | Method |
urac | /owner/admin/group/add | POST |
Data Model: Groups
Workflow: Add Group Flow
Type: application/json
Name | Source | Mandatory | Type | Special Format | Description |
code | Body | YES | String | Alphanumeric - String - 20 letters Maximum | |||
name | Body | YES | String | N/A |
description | Body | YES | String | N/A |
config | Body | YES | Object | N/A | |||
allowedPackages | YES |
Object | N/A | ||||||
^([A-Za-z0-9]+)$ | YES | Array of strings | Then keys should follow the pattern : |
-Za-z0-9]+)$ | |||||||
allowedEnvironments | NO | Object | N/A | ||||
^([A-Za-z]+)$ | YES |
Object | N/A | for it is just an empty object |
Valid Response
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "result": true, "data": true } |
Invalid Response
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "result":false, "errors":{ "codes":[421], "details":[ { "code":421, "message":"Group code already exists. Choose another" } ] } } |
Error Codes
Code | Description |
400 | Database connection error |
421 | Group code already exists. Choose another |
611 | invalid tenant id provided |
Example (CURL)
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
> CURL -X POST -d { 'code=gold&name=Gold&description=Group Description' "code": "silver", "name": "Silver Group", "description": "grp description", "config": { "allowedPackages": { "prod": ["pack"] }, "allowedEnvironments": { "PROD": {} } } } |
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
{ "result": true, "data": true": { "code": "ADMIN", "name": "Administration", "description": "This is the admin group etc...", "config": { "allowedPackages": { "MOBI": ["MOBI_BASIC"] } }, "tenant": { "id": "5cadea196d44342107efe52c", "code": "TEST" }, "_id": "5cc835c0d7fc2f9c75b9f5ed" } } |