The following Data Models are used by the Repositories microservice.
The main structure of the item schema is as follow:
{ "type": "service | daemon | custom | resource | static | config", "name": "itemName", "description": "Item description", "configuration": { ... //changes based on the type }, "versions" : [ { "version": "1", "profile": { //free object to add whatever you see fit } ...//changes based on the type } ], "metadata": { "tags": [], "attributes": { "att1": [], ... }, "program": [] }, "ui": { "main": "", "sub": "" }, "settings": { "acl": {}, "recipes" : [], "environments :{} }, "src": { "provider": "github | bitbucket | bitbucket_enterprise | manual", ...//Changes based on the provider, check below }, "deploy": { "dev" : [ { "version": "1" ...//Check below } ] } }
src schema
// When provider is GIT "src": { "provider": "github | bitbucket | bitbucket_enterprise", ... }, //When provider is manual "src": { "provider": "manual" },