Computed env variables
Name | Prerequisites | Notes |
$SOAJS_GIT_OWNER | Image type is not binary under catalog deployOptions(default value is false) | Repository Owner |
$SOAJS_GIT_BRANCH | Image type is not binary under catalog deployOptions(default value is false) | Repository branch |
$SOAJS_GIT_COMMIT | Image type is not binary under catalog deployOptions(default value is false) | Repository commit to be used |
$SOAJS_GIT_REPO | Image type is not binary under catalog deployOptions(default value is false) | Repository name |
$SOAJS_GIT_PROVIDER | Image type is not binary under catalog deployOptions(default value is false) | Repository provider: Github, Bitbucket, Bitbucket Server… |
$SOAJS_GIT_TOKEN | Image type is not binary under catalog deployOptions(default value is false) | Access token Saved in the database (empty if account is public) |
$SOAJS_GIT_DOMAIN | Image type is not binary under catalog deployOptions(default value is false) | The domain of the provider (example |
$SOAJS_NX_DOMAIN | Â | Domain set in the registry |
$SOAJS_NX_SITE_DOMAIN | Â | Site prefix set in the registry |
$SOAJS_NX_API_DOMAIN | Â | API prefix set in the registry |
$SOAJS_SRV_PORT | Â | Item Port |
$SOAJS_SRV_PORT_MAINTENANCE | Â | Item maintenance Port |
$SOAJS_ENV | Â | Environment Code |
$SOAJS_DAEMON_GRP_CONF | Â | Daemon Deployment only! Name of Daemon Group config |
$SOAJS_SERVICE_NAME | Â | Item name |
$SOAJS_NX_CONTROLLER_PORT | Gateway deployed | Gateway Port |
$SOAJS_CONTROLLER_PORT_MAINTENANCE | Gateway deployed | Gateway maintenance Port |
$SOAJS_DEPLOY_HA | Â | Type of deployment Container example: kubernetes |
$SOAJS_NX_CONTROLLER_IP | Gateway deployed | Gateway IP |
$SOAJS_REGISTRY_API | Gateway deployed | Gateway IP + maintenance port (example |
$SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_TOKEN | The configuration SourceCode Repository set in the Catalog Recipe under deployOptions and selected from Config Catalog Recipes. | Account Token |
$SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_PROVIDER | The configuration SourceCode Repository set in the Catalog Recipe under deployOptions and selected from Config Catalog Recipes. | Repository provider: Github, Bitbucket, Bitbucket Server… |
$SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_DOMAIN | The configuration SourceCode Repository set in the Catalog Recipe under deployOptions and selected from Config Catalog Recipes. | The domain of the provider (example |
$SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_BRANCH | The configuration SourceCode Repository set in the Catalog Recipe under deployOptions and selected from Config Catalog Recipes. | Repository branch |
$SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_COMMIT | The configuration SourceCode Repository set in the Catalog Recipe under deployOptions and selected from Config Catalog Recipes. | Repository commit to be used |
$SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_PATH | The configuration SourceCode Repository set in the Catalog Recipe under deployOptions and selected from Config Catalog Recipes. | The path where the repository should be placed. If not set, the root path will be used. |