


Provisioning is a configuration that all SOAJS micro-services can acquire once you turn on multi-tenant for them.

Once a service becomes multi-tenant, you can provide custom tenant configuration to it at run time.

If you have 2 tenants that can access the URAC, then the provisioned configuration for each tenant will be loaded once that tenant invokes an API of URAC.

The below configuration is supported by the URAC micro-service and can be configured & changed at the tenant level under the Manage Pillar.

Configuration Details

Field NameTypeMandatoryDescription



Hashing Iteration value used by SOAJS hasher to encrypt/compare passwords



Seed Length value used by SOAJS hasher to encrypt/compare passwords

Link values that are attached in the content of email notifications



token expiry limit in seconds



Set to true if registration needs validation confirmation


Object to configure the mail notifications content.

Each type of notification is an entry in this object where you can configure a custom mail subject, link it to a template or inject html content directly.


Define application keys for passport integration. Currently supporting: Twitter - Facebook - Google

Configuration Sample

The below configuration shows 2 objects inside the tenant configuration: URAC - Mail.

The URAC object is explained in the table above.

The mail configuration contains 2 fields; from & transport where from is the sender's email address and transport is the exposed out of the box configuration used by nodemailer.

URAC Tenant Configuration Sample
   "commonFields": {
   		"mail": {
      		"from": 'me@localhost.com',
      		"transport": {
         		"type": "sendmail",
         		"options": {}

   "urac": {
      "passportLogin": {
         "twitter": {
            "clientID": "qywH8YMduIsKA2RRlUkS50kCZ",
            "clientSecret": "aodnXVCBijQcS8sJrcLM3ULgCl9VEoqqwu00XgamRUv5qm8bF1",
            "callbackURL": "http://local-widget.com/urac/login/success",
            userProfileURL: "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json?include_email=true"
         "facebook": {
            clientID: '331502413866510',
            clientSecret: '1a07a7eb9c9884dc5d148106ede830b2',
            callbackURL: "http://local-widget.com/urac/login/success?mode=facebook"
         "google": {
            clientID: '393278808961-7qahk8kadr2jhbo05o84pbp5tc774a1l.apps.googleusercontent.com',
            clientSecret: 'sdSpS8FLeUvc0UBs_z8m4f89',
            callbackURL: "http://local-widget.com/urac/login/success"
      "hashIterations": 1024, //used by hasher
      "seedLength": 32, //used by hasher
      "link": {
         "addUser": "http://dashboard.soajs.org/#/setNewPassword",
         "changeEmail": "http://dashboard.soajs.org/#/changeEmail/validate",
         "forgotPassword": "http://dashboard.soajs.org/#/resetPassword",
         "join": "http://dashboard.soajs.org/#/join/validate"
      "tokenExpiryTTL": 2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000,
      "validateJoin": true, //true if registration needs validation
      "mail": { //urac mail options
         "join": {
            "subject": 'Welcome to SOAJS',
            "path": "./mail/urac/join.tmpl"
         "forgotPassword": {
            "subject": 'Reset Your Password at SOAJS',
            "path": "./mail/urac/forgotPassword.tmpl"
         "addUser": {
            "subject": 'Account Created at SOAJS',
            "path": "./mail/urac/addUser.tmpl"
         "changeUserStatus": {
            "subject": "Account Status changed at SOAJS",
            //use custom HTML
            "content": "<p>Dear <b>{{ username }}</b>, <br />Your account status has changed to <b>{{ status }}</b> by the administrator on {{ ts|date('F jS, Y') }}.<br /><br /> Regards,<br/> SOAJS Team. </p>"
         "changeEmail": {
            "subject": "Change Account Email at SOAJS",
            "path": "./mail/urac/changeEmail.tmpl"