GET - /admin/users

General Information

ServiceAPIMethodData ModelsWorkflow
urac/admin/usersGETUsersGet Users Flow


This API lists users based on keywords. These keywords will be compared to usernames, emails, first names, and last names in database.


Type: application/json
NameSourceMandatoryTypeSpecial FormatDescription
configQueryNOObjectN/AConfig Object
startQueryNONumberN/AThe start index of the records to get. Default 0
limitQueryNONumberN/AThe number of records to get. Default 1000
keywordsQueryNOStringN/AApplied towards: email, username, firstName, or lastName

scopeQueryNOStringenum [
"myTenancy", "otherTenancy"
this is available when main tenant roaming is enabled. Please note that this is available starting Stingray release



SOAJS has a unified response. Check out this link to understand more the schema of SOAJS response 

Valid Response

Valid Response Sample
  result: true,
  data: [
    "_id": "5c8d0c505653de3985aa0ffd",
    "locked": true,
    "username": "johnd",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "email": "",
    "ts": 1552747600152,
    "status": "active",
    "profile": {},
    "groups": [
    "config": {
      "packages": {},
      "keys": {},
      "allowedTenants": []
    "tenant": {
      "id": "5d9321f8b40e09438afbd0c9",
      "code": "test",
      "pin": {
        "allowed": true

Invalid Response

Error Response Sample
                "message":"Model error: + %model_error%"

Response schema

Follow this link to check out the response JSON Schema

SOAJS Error Codes


Business logic required data are missing

602Model error: + %model_error%