02 - Daemon
02 - Daemon
The following is an example of a daemon that uses the composer to function.
Similar to with services, we adhere to this folder schema to maintain code standardization.
Folder Schema
Code Samples
"use strict"; var daemon = { "type": "daemon", "dbs": [ { prefix: "", name: "company", multitenant: false, mongo: true } ], prerequisites: { cpu: '', memory: '' }, serviceName: "composerDaemon", serviceGroup: "Composer", servicePort: 4211, "errors": {}, "schema": { "insertRecords": { "mw": __dirname + "/lib/mw/add.daemon.js", "_apiInfo": { "l": "Insert Records" } } } }; module.exports = daemon;
"use strict"; var composer = require("soajs.composer"); composer.deploy(__dirname +"/config.js", function(error){ console.log( (error)? error : "Daemon started ..."); });
buildMasterIndex job
"use strict"; var mongo = require("../model/mongo"); module.exports = { "checkIfExists": function (soajs, next) { var condition = { "id": 1 }; var combo = { condition: condition }; if(!soajs.data){ soajs.data = {} } mongo.findEntry(soajs, combo, function (error, oneRecord) { if (error) { return next(error); } if (oneRecord) { console.log("next()") next(); } else { var combo2 = { "record": { "name": "Joe", "id": 1, "position": "supervisor" } }; mongo.insertEntries(soajs, combo2, function(error){ if(error){ return next(error); } else{ console.log("insertEntries") soajs.data.new= true; next(); } }); } }); }, "update": function (soajs, end) { if (!soajs.data.new){ var condition = { "id": 1 }; var combo = { condition: condition }; mongo.findEntry(soajs, combo, function(error, oneRecord){ if (error){ return end(error); } else{ var opt = { ts: new Date().getTime() }; var updated = { "$set": opt }; var combo1 = { updatedFields: updated, options: { 'upsert': false, 'multi': true }, versioning: true, condition: condition }; mongo.updateEntries(soajs, combo1, function (error) { if (error) { return end(error); } console.log("timestamp updated"); return end(null, true); }); } }); } else { return end(null, true); } } };
"use strict"; var database = 'company'; var collection = 'employees'; var lib = { "defaults": function (combo) { if (!combo.database) { combo.database = database } if (!combo.collection) { combo.collection = collection } if (!Object.hasOwnProperty.call(combo, 'versioning')) { combo.versioning = false; } }, "findEntry": function (soajs, combo, cb) { lib.defaults(combo); soajs.mongo[combo.database].findOne(combo.collection, combo.condition || {}, combo.fields || {}, cb); }, "insertEntries": function (soajs, combo, cb) { lib.defaults(combo); soajs.mongo[combo.database].insert(combo.collection, combo.record, combo.versioning || false, cb); }, "updateEntries": function (soajs, combo, cb) { lib.defaults(combo); soajs.mongo[combo.database].update(combo.collection, combo.condition, combo.updatedFields, combo.options || {}, combo.versioning || false, cb); } }; module.exports = lib;
How to test
You can test this service for yourself by doing the following:
- Create a local version of the folder schema on your machine
- Copy the code from this page into their respective files
- Run the following commands from a terminal window
Start controller
Start controller
# go to the controller directory and start the controller in the correct environment cd /opt/soajs/node_modules/soajs.controller export SOAJS_ENV=dev export SOAJS_SRVIP= node .
Start daemon
# go to the service directory and start the service in the correct environment cd /opt/soajs/node_modules/composer.example/daemon/insertRecords export SOAJS_ENV=dev export SOAJS_SRVIP= export SOAJS_DAEMON_GRP_CONF=catalog node .
, multiple selections available,
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