_id: '5c0e74ba9acc3c5a84a51259',
type: "product",
code: "DBTN",
name: "Console Tenant",
description: "This is the tenant that holds the access rights and configuration for the console users with DSBRD_GUEST as Guest default package",
oauth: {
secret: %SECRET%,
redirectURI: "http://domain.com",
grants: [
pin: {
enabled: false
disabled: 0,
type: 2,
loginMode: "urac"
applications: [
product: "DSBRD",
package: "DSBRD_GUEST",
description: "Dashboard application for DSBRD_GUEST package",
appId: "5c0e74ba9acc3c5a84a5125a",
_TTL: 604800000,
keys: [
key: %KEY%,
extKeys: [
label: %label%,
device: null,
geo: null,
dashboardAccess: true,
expDate: null
config: {
dashboard: {
oauth: {
loginMode: "urac"
commonFields: {
mail: {
from: "me@localhost.com",
transport: {
type: "sendmail",
options: {
urac: {
hashIterations: 1024,
seedLength: 32,
link: {
addUser: "http://dashboard.soajs.org:80/#/setNewPassword",
changeEmail: "http://dashboard.soajs.org:80/#/changeEmail/validate",
forgotPassword: "http://dashboard.soajs.org:80/#/resetPassword",
join: "http://dashboard.soajs.org:80/#/join/validate"
tokenExpiryTTL: 172800000,
validateJoin: true,
mail: {
join: {
subject: "Welcome to SOAJS",
path: "undefined/soajs/node_modules/soajs.urac/mail/urac/join.tmpl"
forgotPassword: {
subject: "Reset Your Password at SOAJS",
path: "undefined/soajs/node_modules/soajs.urac/mail/urac/forgotPassword.tmpl"
addUser: {
subject: "Account Created at SOAJS",
path: "undefined/soajs/node_modules/soajs.urac/mail/urac/addUser.tmpl"
changeUserStatus: {
subject: "Account Status changed at SOAJS",
path: "undefined/soajs/node_modules/soajs.urac/mail/urac/changeUserStatus.tmpl"
changeEmail: {
subject: "Change Account Email at SOAJS",
path: "undefined/soajs/node_modules/soajs.urac/mail/urac/changeEmail.tmpl"
tag: "Console",
console: true