API catalog
Here is the content of soa.json, this file is needed when you activate a repository or when you add a passthrough endpoint from git.
{ "type": "service", "subType": "", "name": "artifact", "group": "Examples", "description": "This is the decryption of your service", "tab": { "main": "Main_tab", "sub": "Sub_tab" }, "documentation": { "readme": "/doc/markupfile", "release": "/doc/markupfile" }, "swaggerFilename": "/doc/swagger.yml", "port": 4100, "version": "1", //Search criteria "program": ["soajs"], "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"], "attributes": { "att1": ["att1.1", "att1.2"], "att2": ["att2.1", "att2.2"] }, //Configuration "extKeyRequired": true, "oauth": true, "urac": true, "urac_Profile": true, "urac_ACL": false, "tenant_Profile": false, "provision_ACL": false, "requestTimeout": 30, "requestTimeoutRenewal": 5, "maintenance": { "port": { "type": "inherit" }, "readiness": "/heartbeat" }, "interConnect": [ {"name": "ms", "version": "1"} ], "prerequisites": { "cpu": " ", "memory": " " }, //Custom profile "profile": { //free to add whatever you want } }
Variable | Required | description | example | Default |
Item and UI metadata | ||||
type | Yes | The following type are supported: static, service, daemon, multi, custom (anything else) | if not set the default type will be custom. | custom |
subtype | No | services | ||
tab | No | - | ||
name | Yes | The name of the service, has to be unique and not been used by other service at the API catalog. | If the repoName is : xx.pay.merchant-registration | |
group | Yes | The group of the service, make sure you set the right group to properly display the service under the right group at the API catalog. | The serviceGroup should reflect the system the service belongs to "Payment" | |
description | No | The service description to appear in the API catalog UI | "This is a string" | - |
Search metadata | ||||
tags | No | Array of tags | - | |
attributes | No | Object of attributes | - | |
program | No | Array of programs | - | |
Documentation metadata by version | ||||
documentation | No | Object | - | |
.readme | No | Readme | ||
.release | No | Release notes | ||
Configuration metadata | ||||
port | Yes | The port of the service. make sure it is unique and not being used by any other service at the API catalog. | 4100 | |
requestTimeout | No | The request lifetime | 30 | |
requestTimeoutRenewal | No | How many times to renew the request lifetime | 5 | |
prerequisites | ||||
Configuration metadata by version | ||||
swaggerFilename | No | The location of the service swagger file from the repository root. if not set soajs will look for swagger.yml or swagger.json at the root folder. | "/doc/swagger.yml" | swagger.json |
version | Yes | The version of the service. make sure it has the following syntax: a string of /[0-9]+(.[0-9]+)?/ | "1" or "1.1" | "1" |
extKeyRequired | No | To turn on multi tenancy you need to have extKeyRequired set to true | true | |
oauth | No | To turn on oauth security for this service. | soajs supports 2 types of oAuth
soajs empowers you to turn on oAuth at many different levels
| false |
urac | No | To add to the request header the logged-in user information | This is super useful when soajs gateway proxy the request to your service and you need to know who is the logged-in user. | false |
urac_Profile | No | To add to the request header the logged-in user profile information | false | |
urac_ACL | No | To add to the request header the logged-in user ACL information | false | |
tenant_profile | No | |||
provision_ACL | No | To add to the request header the tenant ACL information | false | |
maintenance | Yes | The heartbeat route to probe the health status of the service. The type can be ("inherit", "maintenance", "custom")
| example { "port": { "type": "inherit" }, "readiness": "/heartbeat", "commands": [ { "label": "reload", "path": "/reload", "icon": "provision" } ] } | |
Profile metadata by version | ||||
profile | no | Free json object to add custom information. |
Maintenance Icon
For maintenance SOAJS is using font awesome, checkout the available icons at https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery
For example, if you choose the wrench icon as follows :
example { "port": { "type": "inherit" }, "readiness": "/heartbeat", "commands": [ {"label": "My Command", "path": "/mypath", "icon": "fas fa-wrench"} ] } |