Step by Step Training

Below his the list of material we will cover in this training space.

  • Step1: SOAJS Installer, install SOAJS locally or on the cloud with Kubernetes

    • Local 

    • On the cloud (kubernetes)

  • Step2: SOAJS Marketplace, create a catalog by adding your items of the following types:

    • Microservice/API 

    • Recipe

    • Custom

    • Resource 

    •  Frontend

    • Config

    • Daemon

  • Step3: SOAJS Environment Orchestration, create an environment & deploy items from the catalog

    • Local 

    • On the cloud (kubernetes)

  • Step4: SOAJS Gateway, create multi-tenant authentication and authorization with awareness and mesh interconnect among your microservice/API

    • Deploy

    • Productization 

      • Create a product

      • Create a package

    • Multitenancy

      • Create a tenant 

      • Create tenant user and group

  • Step5: SOAJS Framework and middleware, Build a microservice or augment existing one

    • Middleware

    • Framework 

    • API Builder for endpoint