Groups - V3
Groups - V3
Database Information
Database Name | Database Type | Collection Name |
%tenant_code%_urac | MongoDB | groups |
Record Explanation
Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Unique | Indexed | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
_id | Mongo ID | YES | YES | YES | Mongo Record ID | ||||||||||||||||||||||
code | String | YES | YES | YES | Group Code | ||||||||||||||||||||||
name | String | YES | NO | NO | Group Name | ||||||||||||||||||||||
description | String | YES | NO | NO | Group Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||
config | Object | NO | NO | NO | Group configuration | ||||||||||||||||||||||
tenant | Object | YES | NO | NO | |||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
locked | Boolean | NO | NO | NO | Group is Locked |
Record Sample
var data = { "_id": ObjectId('5d382063be668052c9cab94e'), "locked": true, "code": "owner", "owner": true, "name": "Owner Group", "description": "this is the owner group that owns the dashboard", "config": { "allowedPackages": { "DSBRD": [ "DSBRD_OWNER" ] } }, "tenant": { "id": "5c0e74ba9acc3c5a84a51259", "code": "TES0" } };