Complete Example

URAC Tenant Configuration Sample
   "commonFields": {
	 "optionalAlgorithm": "aes256", //used by hasher
     "hashIterations": 12, //used by hasher
     "mail": {
        "from": '',
        "transport": {
           "type": "sendmail",
           "options": {}
   "urac": {

      "tokenExpiryTTL": 2 * 24 * 3600 * 1000,
      "validateJoin": true, //true if registration needs validation
      "link": {
         "addUser": "",
         "changeEmail": "",
         "forgotPassword": "",
         "join": ""
      "mail": { //urac mail options
         "join": {
            "subject": 'Welcome to SOAJS',
            "path": "./mail/urac/join.tmpl"
         "forgotPassword": {
            "subject": 'Reset Your Password at SOAJS',
            "path": "./mail/urac/forgotPassword.tmpl"
         "addUser": {
            "subject": 'Account Created at SOAJS',
            "path": "./mail/urac/addUser.tmpl"
         "changeUserStatus": {
            "subject": "Account Status changed at SOAJS",
            //use custom HTML
            "content": "<p>Dear <b>{{ username }}</b>, <br />Your account status has changed to <b>{{ status }}</b> by the administrator on {{ ts|date('F jS, Y') }}.<br /><br /> Regards,<br/> SOAJS Team. </p>"
         "changeEmail": {
            "subject": "Change Account Email at SOAJS",
            "path": "./mail/urac/changeEmail.tmpl"