Other with Docker
Other with Docker
Learn how to set up a machine on your Custom machine.
- Create your custom machine and connect to it
- Download the pre-requisites, the installer & run the Installer pre script on the machine
- Zip docker certificates
Step 1: Create an account on Google Cloud and connect to it
Create a custom machine running Ubuntu 16.04 or above and connect to it
Step 2: Download the pre-requisites, the installer & run the Installer pre script on your Custom machine
Once you SSH to the machine, you can download and run the installer pre installation script to get all the dependencies so that cloud deployment works.
Prepare the machine
Download & Run SOAJS Installer pre scripts
# download update apt-get, npm and zip > sudo su > apt-get update && apt-get -y upgrade > apt-get install npm > apt-get install zip # download the latest version of nodejs > curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | bash && apt-get install -y nodejs
Run the installer
# download installer > mkdir -p /opt/soajs/node_modules > cd /opt/soajs/node_modules > sudo npm install soajs.installer # run installer pre script > cd soajs.installer/scripts/pre > sudo /opt/soajs/node_modules/soajs.installer/scripts/pre/docker-linux.sh <%YOUR_CUSTOM_DOMAIN%>
Download Docker Certificates
Zip and Download the generated docker certificates from the above step to your local machine.
zip certificates
> cd /root > zip -r certs.zip certs/* > mv /root/certs.zip ~
From here on, use the installer from your local machine to deploy SOAJS on the remote machine you created.
, multiple selections available,