04 Configuration
Like all SOAJS microservices, SOAJS Gateway is yet like any SOAJS microservice with different layers of configuration.
1- Whitelist internal communications
You can whitelist inter micro services communication to bypass ACL check and/or also oauth check by creating a custom registry with the name “gateway”:
"mt": {
"whitelist": {
"ips": [
"acl": true,
"oauth": true
2- Turn off internal communication monitoring
The gateway will monitor all internal communication and terminates them in case it is taking too much time to optimize the over all performance of your deployment. You can turn this off by creating a custom registry with the name “gateway”:
"gotoService": {
"renewReqMonitorOff": true
3- Turn on API monitoring and analytics
"gotoService": {
"whitelist": [
"console", "urac"
"blacklist": [
"req_info": true,
"req_header": true,
"req_query": true,
"req_body": false,
"req_response": true
Pleas note that whitelist wins over blacklist, in the above example only microservice “console” and “urac” will be monitored.
4- Turn on API throttling
The gateway will throttle all and ban communication based on the configuration. You can turn this off by creating a custom registry with the name “gateway”:
"traffic": {
"ip2ban": ["ip1", "ip2"],
"model": "mmongo",
"throttling": {
"oauth": {
"publicAPIStrategy": "test",
"apis": [