

The SOAJS Gateway creates automatic awareness and interconnect mesh among your microservices in both type of deployment:

  • Container deployment

  • Local deployment

For both type of deployment you can specify the interconnect mesh between you microservices in the soa.json file click here to more information.

For more information about the gateway interconnect and awareness architecture click here.

Manual deployment

SOAJS Gateway is capable to create the same awareness and mesh interconnect even if deployed manually on your local machine which makes super easy to create development environment and mimic your cloud environment locally with zero effort. Couple of environment variables need to be set before you run your microservice.




Container deployment

SOAJS Gateway creates awareness and mesh interconnect among the deployed microservices automatically.

If you deploy your microservices using SOAJS either from the UI or CLI via the API you do not need to do anything.

if you deploy your microservices manually or via other tools you need to make sure certain labels are set on the Kubernetes service resource: click here for more information


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