Blank Environment

Blank Environment


Blank Environment template does not include any configuration that should be catered for while creating an environment.

As the name says, when choosing this type of templates, you are basically instructing SOAJS to simply create the environment with nothing more.

This template is available for all environment types ( Manual Development - Single Cloud Clustering - Multi-Cloud Clustering ) but the behavior differs between one type and the other.

Remote Development

The SOAJS wizard will:

  1. Ask you to provide the IP address of the machine you plan to deploy your components for this environment in
  2. Assist you in creating virtual machine layers if you already connected an infra cloud provider that supports virtual machines as a technology (optional)


The wizard will create the new environment and a new registry record for it in the database.

The IP address value you provided will be added in the registry to ensure the communication between this environment and the dashboard microservice deployed in the SOAJS Console.

Virtual Machine Layers

The virtual machine layers you create for this environment will be created at the infra cloud provider and will each have a label whose value is the environment code you entered.

Once the virtual machines are created and ready, you can then manage them under the infrastructure module.

Single Cloud Clustering

The SOAJS wizard will:

  1. Ask you to select which Infra Cloud Provider you would like to deploy a container technology cluster and use it as the infrastructure of this environment to deploy components at later stages (optional)
  2. Assis you in creating virtual machine layers if you already connected an infra cloud provider that supports virtual machines as a technology (optional)

As stated in the list, both steps are optional however at least one of them should be configured depending on how you will use this environment.


The wizard will create the new environment and a new registry record for it in the database.

Container Technology Cluster

The wizard will create the container technology cluster at the infra cloud provider and establish a communication link with the SOAJS Console and update the registry of this environment with the details of that link.

Virtual Machine Layers

The virtual machine layers you create for this environment will be created at the infra cloud provider and will each have a label whose value is the environment code you entered.

Once the virtual machines are created and ready, you can then manage them under the infrastructure module.


This template is suitable if you want to create a new single cloud clustering environment and provision a blank infrastructure so you can use at a later stage to deploy source code or resources in it.

This template is also suitable if you want to create a remote development environment as it assists you in establishing the link between the machine hosting this environment and the SOAJS Console.

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