Continuous delivery

Continuous delivery

You can use any CI with SOAJS as much as you provide the following environment variable to our CD script or you can write your own script and call the SOAJS CD API. You can trigger CD on any item from the catalogs (API, daemon, front end, resource, custom, etc …)

Environment variables that you will need to get from SOAJS console and set them up on each repository.

  • SOAJS_URL = example: https://api.soajs.org:443/marketplace/item/deploy/cd

  • SOAJS_key

  • SOAJS_cd_auth

  • SOAJS_repo_auth (optional)

From soa.json get the following:

  • name

  • type

  • version

The following can be computed or added to the yaml CI script

  • SOAJS_repo_branch

  • SOAJS_repo_commit

  • SOAJS_repo_tag

  • SOAJS_img_tag

  • SOAJS_img_name

  • SOAJS_img_prefix

  • SOAJS_env_list = “dev,stg,prod”