Passport Strategies

Passport Strategies


Define application keys for Passport.js integration. Currently supporting Github, Twitter, Facebook, and Google.

Add the configure for oAuth to the tenant key configuration to turn it on only for that specificities tenant

Passport Login Object
	"oauth": {
		"passportLogin": {
			"twitter": {
				"clientID": "TWITTER_CLIENT_ID",
				"clientSecret": "TWITTER_CLIENT_SECRET",
				"callbackURL": "http://local-widget.com/urac/login/success"
			"facebook": {
				"clientID": 'FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID',
				"clientSecret": 'FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET',
				"callbackURL": "http://local-widget.com/urac/login/success?mode=facebook"
			"google": {
				"clientID": 'GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID',
				"clientSecret": 'GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET',
				"callbackURL": "http://local-widget.com/urac/login/success"
			"github": {
				"clientID": "GITHUB_CLIENT_ID",
				"clientSecret": "GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET",
				"callbackURL": ""

How does this work?

1- Configure the provider you need to enable its login as documented here 

2- Add the configuration for oAuth to the tenant key configuration

3- Create the needed UI as follow: