Azure Strategy

Azure Strategy


Passport Azure authentication strategy using OAuth 2.0

Configuration sample object

Below is a configuration sample that is needed for the Facebook strategy to be configured. Follow the steps below the sample to get those configurations.

Configuration Sample
"facebook": {
    clientID: '%client_ID%',
    clientSecret: '%client_secret%',
    callbackURL: '%client_callback%',

	useCommonEndpoint: 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/jh6trd45-uh87-ki87-hgt6-jhyf65esdfty',
	tenant: "%tenant_name%.onmicrosoft.com",
	resource: "00000002-0000-0000-c000-000000000000"

Configuration Steps

1 - Create an Azure application in Azure Active Directory

You must register an app with Azure in Azure Portal under Azure AD → App registration.

Once created, go to Certificates & Secrets to create a client secret.

Note: Make sure to copy the created client secret because you'll not be able to reveal it again.