Updating my Custom Service Code

Updating my Custom Service Code


Become familiar with how the SOAJS Dashboard notifies you about updates for your custom service that are deployed in any Environment and learn how to pull and apply these updates in any Environment.


  1. Locate Update Notifications
  2. Understand what the Update is about
  3. Apply the Code Update

Step 1

The Dashboard contains a notification system that informs you whenever new code updates are published by the SOAJS team for all custom services deployed in any Environment.

These notifications appear in 2 places:

  1. Under Deploy pillar → Continuous Delivery → Ledger tab.
  2. Under Deploy pillar → Clouds & Deployments → notification icon next to each service deployed.

In Clouds & Deployments you only see a notification icon that there is a new update, whereas the Ledger provides you with a link so you can learn more about the update.

Step 2

Before you pull your custom service Update in any Environment, it is crucial you learn what the update is about as it might not be backward compatible or it might depend on an image upgrade.

In this case you need to handle these prerequisites before applying the code update otherwise the service might crash after you apply the update.

In Addition, if your service is pending on any of SOAJS services which are built on top of the SOAJS framework and thus it is dependent of the version of that framework as well. So make sure to update the needed services as well. To learn more click here.

Make sure to pull SOAJS image update/upgrade in case of existence before you continue. You can learn more about how to check & pull SOAJS image updates/upgrades in this link.

Assuming you pulled the new image updates/upgrades or assuming that there aren't any new image updates, head to the next step and see how to apply the service updates.

Step 3

Applying latest update on a deployed custom service in any Environment:

  1. Go to the Deploy pillar → Clouds & Deployments
  2. Make sure that your environment is selected in the top left corner from the red drop down menu.
  3. Click on SOAJS tab and locate your service entry.
    1. Open the Service Operations menu of the service you are about to update
    2. Click Restart Service

Restart Service

This operation will restart your service using the exact same settings that were used to deploy it in the first place.

However, the SOAJS deployer inside the SOAJS image will perform a git clone operation that will clone the latest code updates from the designated branch.

Once the code is pulled, the deployer will run an NPM INSTALL command to install the dependencies needed and will start your service.

While the deployer is running, your old service remains operational until the new service is flagged as running by either Docker Swarm or Kubernetes depending on which of the two drivers you have chosen to deploy your SOAJS cloud with.

When the new service becomes ready, then the old one will be terminated; your Custom Service is now updated.