Travis-ci example

Travis-ci example

In this example we saved the soajs CD script as soa.cd.js

we added into travis repository settings the following environment variables:


  • SOAJS_key

  • SOAJS_cd_auth

we created the following travis file, what you need is section - stage: Continuous Delivery

language: node_js node_js: 10 jobs: include: - stage: install, check code style and coverage if: tag IS blank services: - mongodb addons: hosts: - localhost before_script: - npm install -g grunt-cli - sleep 10 script: - grunt - stage: Continuous Delivery if: branch =~ /(master)/ script: - export SOAJS_repo_branch=$TRAVIS_BRANCH - export SOAJS_repo_commit=$TRAVIS_COMMIT - echo "CD with SOAJS" - node soa.cd.js