MODULE - mongo

MODULE - mongo


The following page describes the mongo module manual.

Below is the list of all operations for the mongo module


Create the configuration file, the log file & the data folder that MongoDB server requires on your local machine in order to function

Mongo Command Example
> sudo soajs mongo install

Start the MongoDB server on port 32017 using the configuration created via the install command

Mongo Command Example
> sudo soajs mongo start

Restart the MongoDB Server on port 32017

Mongo Command Example
> sudo soajs mongo restart

Stop the MongoDB Server

Mongo Command Example
> sudo soajs mongo stop

Purgs the SOAJS data configuration sample in the MongoDB server.

Mongo Command Example
> sudo soajs mongo clean

Reset the SOAJS data configuration sample in the MongoDB server back to default.

Mongo Command Example
> sudo soajs mongo patch

Change the port that the MongoDB server is configured to listen. Also updates the port value in the SOAJS Profile that the SOAJS Console uses to connect to the MongoDB Server.

Mongo Command Example
> sudo soajs mongo setPort 32017

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