MODULE - console

MODULE - console


The following page describes the console module manual.

Below is the list of all operations for the console module


Install SOAJS console on your local machine.

The installer has all the needed packages to install and configure SOAJS console. This operation is going to:

  1. Configure & start a standalone MongoDB Server on port 32017
  2. Patch a the needed data into MongoDB
  3. Download & Install the SOAJS Console components:
    1. API Gateway: soajs.controller
    2. URAC: soajs.urac 
    3. OAUTH: soajs.oauth
    4. Dashboard: soajs.dashboard
    5. UI: soajs.dashboard.ui

Console Command Example
> sudo soajs console install %absolute_path_for_destination_folder%

Update SOAJS console on your local machine. This operation is going to:

  1. Stop all the components of the SOAJS Console
  2. Stop the MongoDB Server
  3. Download & Install the SOAJS Console components inside the folder path provide while installing
  4. Start the MongoDB Server on port 32017
  5. The --clean is optional, use it if you want to clean everything before updating to a new version

Console Command Example
> sudo soajs console update --clean

Remove SOAJS console installation from your local machine. This operation is going to:

  1. Stop all the components of SOAJS Console
  2. Purge all SOAJS databases inside the MongoDB Server
  3. Stop the MongoDB Server
  4. Delete all the downloaded SOAJS Console Components
  5. Reset the installer Console configuration back to default

Console Command Example
> sudo soajs console remove

Start the SOAJS console @ http://localhost:4005

Console Command Example
> sudo soajs console start

Restart the SOAJS console

Console Command Example
> sudo soajs console restart

Stop the SOAJS console

Console Command Example
> sudo soajs console stop