Deployment Environment Variables

Deployment Environment Variables


SOAJS provides a list of computed environment variables that is used when creating catalog recipes.

These variables are computed at runtime and provide information related to the environment, platform, and components.

All computed environment variables listed below are global and can be used in any catalog recipe of any type.

The tables below group the variables based on usage, however, no environment variable is exclusive to a certain type.

SOAJS - Service

Variable NameDescriptionSourceDefault
NODE_ENVNode Environmentstatic
SOAJS_ENVSOAJS EnvironmentComputed
SOAJS_PROFILEPath where the profile will be generated by the deployer and read by the serviceStatic
SOAJS_SRV_AUTOREGISTERHOSTOption to allow service to auto register itselfStatic
SOAJS_SRV_MEMORYNode max_old_space_size memory limitComputed
SOAJS_SRV_MAINMain file to run the serviceComputedDefault "."
SOAJS_SRV_PORTMain service portComputed
SOAJS_SRV_PORT_MAINTENANCEService maintenance portComputed
SOAJS_GC_NAMEGC service nameComputed
SOAJS_GC_VERSIONGC service versionComputed
SOAJS_GIT_OWNEROwner of the service's git repositoryComputed
SOAJS_GIT_BRANCHGit repository branchComputedmaster
SOAJS_GIT_COMMITGit repository commitComputed
SOAJS_GIT_REPOGit repository nameComputed
SOAJS_GIT_TOKENGit account token in case of private repositoriesComputed
SOAJS_GIT_PROVIDERGit account providerComputedgithub
SOAJS_GIT_DOMAINGit provider domainComputedgithub.com
SOAJS_DEPLOY_ACCFlag that indicates the deployer should use the local SOAJS package found in the imageUser inputfalse
SOAJS_DEPLOY_HADeployment platform, swarm or kubernetesComputed
SOAJS_HA_NAMETask/Pod name per containerComputed
SOAJS_MONGO_NBNumber of mongo instancesComputed
SOAJS_MONGO_PREFIXMongo database prefixComputed
SOAJS_MONGO_RSNAMEMongo Replica set nameComputed
SOAJS_MONGO_AUTH_DBMongo Authentication database nameComputed
SOAJS_MONGO_SSLFlag to turn on/off secure mongo connectionComputed
SOAJS_MONGO_IP_NIP/domain of N'th mongo instanceComputed
SOAJS_MONGO_PORT_NPort of N'th mongo instanceComputed
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_PROVIDERProvider of the config repository that can be used with the deployerUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_OWNERConfig repository ownerUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_BRANCHConfig repository branchUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_NAMEConfig repository nameUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_TOKENConfig repository token in case of private repositoryUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_COMMITGit repository commitComputed
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_PATHOptional Path value instructing the location of the configuration filesUser Input

SOAJS - Daemon

Variable NameDescriptionSourceDefault
All environment variables of soajs - service except for SOAJS_GC_NAME and SOAJS_GC_VERSION
SOAJS_DAEMON_GRP_CONFDaemon group configuration nameComputed


Variable NameDescriptionSourceDefault
SOAJS_ENVSOAJS environment, not required by nginx itself but needed for logging and analyticsComputed
SOAJS_GIT_DASHBOARD_BRANCHBranch of soajs.dashboard.ui repository, only applicable for nginx deployed in dashboard environmentStatic
SOAJS_NX_DOMAINMaster domain, required to generate self-signed certificatesComputed
SOAJS_NX_API_DOMAINAPI domain for environmentComputed
SOAJS_NX_SITE_DOMAINSite domain for environmentComputed
SOAJS_NX_CONTROLLER_NBNumber of controller instances, required to build upstreamComputed
SOAJS_NX_CONTROLLER_IP_NIP/Domain of N'th controller instanceComputed
SOAJS_NX_CONTROLLER_PORTController port, based on the value set in registryComputed
SOAJS_NX_API_HTTPSFlag to trigger HTTPS for API domainUser input
SOAJS_NX_API_HTTP_REDIRECTFlag to redirect HTTP calls to HTTPS for API callsUser input
SOAJS_NX_SITE_HTTPSFlag to trigger HTTPS for site domainUser input
SOAJS_NX_SITE_HTTP_REDIRECTFlag to redirect HTTP calls to HTTPS for site callsUser input
SOAJS_NX_CUSTOM_SSLFlag to disable self-signed certificates and use user-provided certificates insteadUser input
SOAJS_NX_SSL_CERTS_LOCATIONLocation where the certificates volume will be mounted inside a containerUser input/etc/soajs/ssl/
SOAJS_NX_SSL_SECRETName of the kubernetes secret that will be mounted as a volume to nginx containersUser input
SOAJS_DEPLOY_HADeployment platform, used for analytics, swarm or kubernetesComputed
SOAJS_EXTKEYPublic External Key used by Dashboard UI in Nginx container to communicate with login API of Dashboard ServiceComputed
SOAJS_HA_NAMETask/Pod name of the current container, required for analyticsComputed
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_PROVIDERProvider of the config repo that can be used with the deployerUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_OWNERConfig repository ownerUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_BRANCHConfig repository branchUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_NAMEConfig repository nameUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_TOKENConfig repository token in case of private repositoryUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_COMMITGit repository commitComputed
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_PATHOptional Path value instructing the location of the configuration filesUser Input
SOAJS_GIT_OWNEROwner of the UI git repositoryUser input
SOAJS_GIT_BRANCHUI repository branchUser inputmaster
SOAJS_GIT_REPOUI repository nameUser input
SOAJS_GIT_TOKENService repository token for private git accountsUser input
SOAJS_GIT_PROVIDERGit account providerUser inputgithub
SOAJS_GIT_DOMAINGit provider domainUser inputgithub.com
SOAJS_GIT_PATHGit ui path locationUser Input/
SOAJS_GIT_COMMITGit repository commitComputed
SOAJS_GIT_PORTAL_BRANCHBranch of soajs.portal.ui repository, only applicable for nginx deployed in portal environmentStaticmaster
SOAJS_NX_REAL_IPFlag that indicates that the nginx container should extract the real client IP address in AWS deploymentsStatictrue

Mongo and Elasticsearch

No computed environment variables exist for mongo and/or Elasticsearch deployments. The user is expected to add SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_* environment variables if he wants to use a configuration repo when deploying.

Variable NameDescriptionSourceDefault
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_PROVIDERProvider of the config repo that can be used with the deployerUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_OWNERConfig repository ownerUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_BRANCHConfig repository branchUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_NAMEConfig repository nameUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_TOKENConfig repository token in case of private repositoryUser input
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_COMMITGit repository commitComputed
SOAJS_CONFIG_REPO_PATHOptional Path value instructing the location of the configuration filesUser Input


Variable NameDescriptionSourceDefault
SOAJS_GIT_OWNEROwner of the ui git repositoryUser input
SOAJS_GIT_BRANCHUI repository branchUser inputmaster
SOAJS_GIT_REPOUI repository nameUser input
SOAJS_GIT_TOKENService repository token for private git accountsUser input
SOAJS_GIT_PROVIDERGit account providerUser inputgithub
SOAJS_GIT_DOMAINGit provider domainUser input


SOAJS_SRV_MAINMain file to run the nodejs serviceUser input"."
SOAJS_SRV_MEMORYNodejs param for max_old_space_sizeUser input

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