Containerized Environment

Containerized Environment


An environment is a network of interconnected servers with access to the same set of settings and resources such as registry, databases, network, infrastructure ...

A containerized environment offers the ability to create and operate on a clustered infrastructure using container technology.

This environment offers tons of features to deploy your code in high availability mode (multiple instances), turn on auto-scaling, monitor metrics and analytics, and conduct several IT operations.

The Containerized Environment is suitable for Development, QA & Production purposes as it is designed to help you scale based on your need to handle traffic as it varies.

The environment also supplies you with tools that automate deployment and orchestrate containers, turn on Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery speeding up applying updates on already deployed components.

SOAJS allows you to can create multiple containerized environments for different products and provides you with all the tools you need to manage, orchestrate and operate in these environments.

Features & Benefits

This type of environments requires you connect an already created container clusters supporting both Docker Swarm and Kubernetes and uses this cluster as infrastructure.

SOAJS Console is equipped with advanced and adaptable wizards that facilitate creating containerized environments and deploying source code and resources in them.

Unlike the Development Environment, engineers do not need to manually turn on and off microservices, they can use the SOAJS Console to automate all deployments as well as applying later on updates.

The features of a Containerized Environment are classified under 4 products that all together form the SOAJS Suite:

Creating and Operating in a Containerized Environment

The following elaborate how to connect, deploy and operate in a Containerized Environment with reference to the features SOAJS offers in its suite for cloud orchestration and high availability.

InfrastructureKey Features

  1. Link the container technology cluster you want to work on
  2. Create / Import Environment templates to speed up your environment provisioning
  3. Create / Import Deployment Recipes
  4. Create a new Containerized Environment
  5. Extend the Default Environment Registry and create Custom Entries that your microservice require

  1. Deploy the Resources your microservices needs to communicate with in containers
  2. Create the Databases that your microservice will use on top of resources
  3. Deploy your Source Code using container technology
  • Deploy the API Gateway and leverage the full capability of cloud awareness, multitenancy, productization and more
  • Deploy resources on demand and connect your code to them
  • Avoid writing hardcoded connection configuration in your code and use SOAJS Console for Database & Resources Management
  • Deploy your source code in high availability mode and turn on autoscaling
Management & IT Ops

  1. Upgrade your Microservice and leverage Productization and Multitenancy
    1. Create and configure Productized ACL Packages
    2. Create and configure Tenants and Security Keys
  2. Reload & Apply the configuration on your microservice
  3. Operate and Orchestrate on deployed containers
  • Transform your code to become multitenant and reuse it with different products
  • Full  Control over security protocols and in multiple environments
  • Modify and reload configuration at will with ZERO downtime!
  • Orchestrate your cloud of microservices and scale up and down based on traffic loads
Testing & Simulation

  1. Test your microservice using the API Simulator
  • Visualize and test the behavior of your code in multiple environments and using different tenant configuration
  • Ensure API quality and performance
Release Manager

  1. Link your Continuous Integration Providers
  2. Create and add recipes in your source code repositories
  3. Configure Continuous Deployment strategy
  4. Monitor automated build when code updates are pushed
  5. Test your updated microservices using the API Simulator
  • Configure and automate code updates using Continuous Integration and Delivery
  • Upgrade your components through clicks of a button

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